A التبديل درجة الحرارة is a special device inside electrical machines and systems, mainly for the purpose of controlling temperature. The Anran temp switch may turn them on or off, depending upon whether the temperature is too high or too low. It is very important sine temp switch prevent machine for damage and work on ideal temperature.
إذا كان جهازك يعمل ولكنه لا يعمل، فربما تحتاج إلى تشغيل ملف اختبار تبديل درجة الحرارة. Commonly used temperature switches, temp switch can lead to be the few inaccurate readings
إذا تم التحقق من كل شيء، درجة الحرارة تحول لا يزال من الممكن أن يكون سيئًا. لذلك ستحتاج إما إلى العثور على مفتاح مؤقت مناسب - أو إعادة توصيل المفتاح القديم حتى يبدأ جهازك في العمل مرة أخرى.
يجب أن تأخذ الخاص بك التبديل درجة الحرارة to a professional for regular maintenance so that you have one less thing to worry about. This also involves cleaning the sensor and its associated lines so as to avoid dirt or debris in between signal and a correct reading.
تحتاج إلى تصحيح التبديل من حين لآخر وقياس ما إذا كان لديك مؤشرات درجة الحرارة الصحيحة أم لا؟ يمكن للمفتاح بعد ذلك ضبط المحتوى باستخدام مقياس حرارة Anran للحصول على دقة حقيقية.
Manufacturer protectors' thermostats for the 17AM, 17S 18AM, BW, TB02, KSD, many more series. Most commonly used household appliances motors, rectifiers and controllers. For instance, in wiper motors, lift motors, seat motors, tubular motors, juicers, heating mats, etc. Temp switch
Technology based manufacturing trading firms are principal clients for thermal protectors. They offer top-quality services more than 30000 customers around the world and export to over 60 countries. We have friendly long-term collaboration with DHL FedEx COSCO other Temp switch.
We successfully completed ISO9001 Temp switch control systems. We also passed ISO14001 Environmental Management System many items certified with TUV, UL and CQC certification. In addition, it has more than 48 patents, 150 certificates honor. With "the pursuit of excellence", "Excellence and integrity" is the quality policy win customer satisfaction.
Anran is located in Changzhou Jingdong Industrial Park. Our partner company covers area of 4, 000 square meters. The firm has more than 150 automation equipment sets, more than 20 sets testing instruments. company currently has an R D team with more than 30 Temp switch accounts for 20 percent of the total number. annual production capacity around 300 million pieces, putting in leading position in industry.
جميع الحقوق محفوظة لشركة تشانغتشو أنران للتجارة الدولية المحدودة - سياسة الخصوصية